Profeetta Jesaja toimi neljän Juudan kuninkaan aikana (750 - 690). Nuo neljä kuningasta olivat Jesajan kirjan ensimmäisen jakeen mukaan Ussia eli Asarja (790 - 739), Jootam (750 - 731), Aahas (735 - 715) ja Hiskia (729 - 686).
Isaiah (750 - 690) was prophesing during four kings of Judah. The four kings were Uzziah or Azariah (790 - 739), Jotham (750 - 731), Ahaz (735 - 715) and Hezekiah (729 - 686).
Isaiah (750 - 690) was prophesing during four kings of Judah. The four kings were Uzziah or Azariah (790 - 739), Jotham (750 - 731), Ahaz (735 - 715) and Hezekiah (729 - 686).
Kuningas Aahaan aikana Israelin silloinen kuningas, Pekah (752 - 732), liittoutui Resinin, Aramin kuninkaan kanssa, ja he hyökkäsivät joukkoineen Jerusalemia vastaan.
Pekah (752 - 732), king if Israel, made a union with Rezin, king of Syria, and they went up toward Jerusalem in the time of Ahaz.
Pekah (752 - 732), king if Israel, made a union with Rezin, king of Syria, and they went up toward Jerusalem in the time of Ahaz.
Jumala antoi Aahaalle, Juudan kuninkaalle, rohkaisun sanoja profeetta Jesajan kautta. Jumalan sanat kuuluivat: "Ole varuillasi ja pysy rauhallisena, älä pelkää, älköönkä sydämesi säikkykö noita kahta savuavaa kekäleenpätkää..." (Jes. 7: 4).
God gave encouraging words to Ahaz, king of Judah, through the prophet Isaiah. God said to him: "Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands..." (Isa. 7: 4).
God gave encouraging words to Ahaz, king of Judah, through the prophet Isaiah. God said to him: "Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, neither be fainthearted for the two tails of these smoking firebrands..." (Isa. 7: 4).
Jesajan välittämistä rohkaisun sanoista huolimatta Juudan kuningas kääntyi kuitenkin Assurin kuninkaan Tiglat-Pileserin puoleen. Aahas lähetti sanansaattajiensa mukana Tiglat-Pileserille viestin: "Minä olen sinun palvelijasi ja sinun poikasi. Tule ja pelasta minut Aramin kuninkaan ja Israelin kuninkaan käsistä; he ovat hyökänneet minun kimppuuni" (2. Kun. 16: 7). Tehostaakseen avunpyyntöään Aahas lähetti sanansaattajiensa mukana Assurin kuninkaalle hopean ja kullan sekä temppelistä että omasta palatsistaan (2. Kun. 16: 8).
Yet Ahaz turned to Tiglathpileser, king of Assyria. He send men to him with a message: "I am thy servant and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, which rise up against me" (2. Kings 16: 7). Ahaz even send silver and gold from the temple and from his own house with his messengers to the king of Assyria (2. Kings 16: 8).
Yet Ahaz turned to Tiglathpileser, king of Assyria. He send men to him with a message: "I am thy servant and thy son: come up, and save me out of the hand of the king of Syria, and out of the hand of the king of Israel, which rise up against me" (2. Kings 16: 7). Ahaz even send silver and gold from the temple and from his own house with his messengers to the king of Assyria (2. Kings 16: 8).
Assyrian kuningas suostui Aahaan avunpyyntöön ja valloitti Damaskon (2. Kun. 16: 9), mutta Aahaan epäusko ja tottelemattomuus Jumalaa kohtaan johti pakanallisten tapojen lisääntymiseen Juudassa hänen hallintokautenaan (2. Kun. 16: 10 - 18).
The king of Assyria did agree with the request of Ahaz and he went up against Damascus, but the paganism took place in Judah because of the unbelief and disobedience of Ahaz (2. Kings 16: 10 - 18).
The king of Assyria did agree with the request of Ahaz and he went up against Damascus, but the paganism took place in Judah because of the unbelief and disobedience of Ahaz (2. Kings 16: 10 - 18).
Aahaan kuoltua valtaistuimelle nousi hänen poikansa Hiskia. Hiskia palveli ja kunnioitti Jumalaa koko sydämestään toisin kuin isänsä Aahas. Hiskia uudisti jumalanpalveluksen, puhdisti ja korjasi temppelin, palautti pääsiäisjuhlan ja hävitti epäjumalien alttarit ja uhrikukkulat.
When Ahaz was died and buried Hezekiah, his son, became a king of Judah. Hezekiah honoured God with all his heart in a way his father, Ahaz, didn't. Hezekiah reformed the worship, repaired and cleaned the temple, restored the passover and destroyed the altars and the statues of the idols.
When Ahaz was died and buried Hezekiah, his son, became a king of Judah. Hezekiah honoured God with all his heart in a way his father, Ahaz, didn't. Hezekiah reformed the worship, repaired and cleaned the temple, restored the passover and destroyed the altars and the statues of the idols.
Kun sitten Assurin kuningas, Sanherib, hyökkäsi Juudan kimppuun ja rehenteli taivaan Jumalaa vastaan, Hiskia rohkaisi kansaansa pysymään uskollisina Jumalalle. Hiskia sanoi kansalle: "Olkaa lujat ja rohkeat, älkää peljätkö älkääkä arkailko Assurin kuningasta ja kaikkea joukkoa, joka on hänen kanssansa; sillä se, joka on meidän kanssamme, on suurempi kuin se, joka on hänen kanssansa" (2. Aik. 32: 7).
When Sennacherib, king of Assyria, entered into Judah in the time Hezekiah and boasted against the heavenly God, Hezekiah encouraged the people and advised them to be faithful to God. He said: "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with them" (2. Chron. 32: 7).
When Sennacherib, king of Assyria, entered into Judah in the time Hezekiah and boasted against the heavenly God, Hezekiah encouraged the people and advised them to be faithful to God. He said: "Be strong and courageous, be not afraid nor dismayed for the king of Assyria, nor for all the multitude that is with him: for there be more with us than with them" (2. Chron. 32: 7).
Nämä Hiskian sanat muistuttavat suuresti sitä ennustusta ja lupausta, jonka Jumala oli antanut profeetta Jesajan kautta. Ennustus koskee poikalasta, jonka nuori nainen synnyttää, ja jonka nimi on IMMANUEL (Jes. 7: 14).
These words of Hezekiah reminds me very much of the prophecy and the promise God had given through Isaiah. It concerns a boy child of a young woman who has a name IMMANUEL (Isa. 7: 14).
These words of Hezekiah reminds me very much of the prophecy and the promise God had given through Isaiah. It concerns a boy child of a young woman who has a name IMMANUEL (Isa. 7: 14).
Nimi Immanuel merkitsee "Jumala on meidän kanssamme". Juuri sama rohkaiseva ja turvallinen viesti on myös nimessä EHJEE, sillä Israelin patriarkoille ja johtajille antamissaan rohkaisun sanoissa Jumala sanoi: Minä olen sinun kanssasi... ole rohkea... älä pelkää (esim. 1. Moos. 26: 3; 31: 3; 2. Moos. 3: 12, 14; 4: 12, 15; 5 Moos. 31: 23; Joos. 1: 5; 3: 7).
Immanuel means "God is with us". The same encouraging and safe message is also in the name EHYEE, for God said encouraginly to the patriarchs and the leaders of Israel: I am with you... be brave... don't be afraid (for example Gen. 26: 3; 31: 3; Ex. 3: 12, 14; 4: 12, 15; Deut. 31: 23; Josh. 1: 5; 3: 7).
Immanuel means "God is with us". The same encouraging and safe message is also in the name EHYEE, for God said encouraginly to the patriarchs and the leaders of Israel: I am with you... be brave... don't be afraid (for example Gen. 26: 3; 31: 3; Ex. 3: 12, 14; 4: 12, 15; Deut. 31: 23; Josh. 1: 5; 3: 7).
Jes. 7: 14:ssa mainittu "merkki" on mietityttänyt tutkijoita. Mikä merkki annettiin Jesajan aikana, jonka sitten piti olla symboli ja esikuva Jeesuksen syntymälle? Oliko se kenties Jesajan oman pojan syntymä tai kenties Aahaan pojan, Hiskian, syntymä? Olipa Jesajan aikainen merkki mikä hyvänsä, se ei näytä rohkaisseen kuningas Aahasta luottamaan Jumalan voimaan. Ehkä kuitenkin Jumalan sanojen sisältämä viesti on väkevämpi kuin yksikään merkki! Jumalan sanojen voima oli välittynyt ainakin kuningas Hiskialle. Onneksi nuo väkevät sanat ovat säilyneet ja välittyneet myös meille: EHJEE ja IMMANUEL!
Many interpreters have been thinking over the word "sign" (Isa. 7: 14). What sign was given in the time of Isaiah to be a symbol for the birth of Jesus? Was it possible a birth of Isaiah's own son or perhaps a birth of Ahaz's son, Hezekiah? Could it be this or that it seems to me that it didn't encourage Ahaz to rely on God's power. Maybe a message of God's words is more powerful than any sign! At least the king Hezekiah had understood the power in God's words. Fortunately those powerful words have remained and been transmitter even for us: EHYEE and IMMANUEL!
Many interpreters have been thinking over the word "sign" (Isa. 7: 14). What sign was given in the time of Isaiah to be a symbol for the birth of Jesus? Was it possible a birth of Isaiah's own son or perhaps a birth of Ahaz's son, Hezekiah? Could it be this or that it seems to me that it didn't encourage Ahaz to rely on God's power. Maybe a message of God's words is more powerful than any sign! At least the king Hezekiah had understood the power in God's words. Fortunately those powerful words have remained and been transmitter even for us: EHYEE and IMMANUEL!
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