Egyptin faraot kuvittelivat olevansa jumalia, ja siksi he noudattivat "jumalallista" elämäntapaa. Tuon tavan mukaan veli nai sisarensa ja jatkoi jumalallista sukua tämän kanssa. Mutta historiasta tiedämme, että tuo tapa osoittautui kaikkea muuta kuin jumalalliseksi, sillä faraoiden sukurutsainen suku sammui ennen pitkään. Faraoiden rakkaus ei ollutkaan jumalallista!
The Egyptian pharaos imagined they were gods and so they followed "divine" life-style. Therefore a brother married with his sister and they made divine kids. But as we know from history their life-style was far from divine, for their family finnished and died because of incest. The love of the pharaos was not divine!
The Egyptian pharaos imagined they were gods and so they followed "divine" life-style. Therefore a brother married with his sister and they made divine kids. But as we know from history their life-style was far from divine, for their family finnished and died because of incest. The love of the pharaos was not divine!
Egytin faraoiden elämäntapa näkyy vielä nykyäänkin okkultismin rakenteissa, ja mikä kummallisinta jopa pyhänä pidetyssä tetragrammatonissa יהוה. Siinä ensimmäinen kirjain (Jod) edustaa isää ja toinen kirjain (He) äitiä, jotka ovat sisaruksia, mieluiten kaksosia, kolmas kirjain (Wau) edustaa edellisten poikaa, joka nai sisarensa, jota edustaa neljäs kirjain (loppu-He).
We can see the life-style of the pharaos still in Occultism and even in the tetragrammaton יהוה which has been considered holy. It's first consonant (Yod) represents a father and the second consonant (Heh) a mother, which are siblings, the third consonant (Waw) represents a son of the former couple, and he'll get married with his sister represented with the fourth consonant (Heh final).
We can see the life-style of the pharaos still in Occultism and even in the tetragrammaton יהוה which has been considered holy. It's first consonant (Yod) represents a father and the second consonant (Heh) a mother, which are siblings, the third consonant (Waw) represents a son of the former couple, and he'll get married with his sister represented with the fourth consonant (Heh final).
Vuodesta 2007 olen yrittänyt selvittää itselleni, miksi tetragrammaton on tällaisessa käytössä okkultismissa, kun se kristillisyyden puolella edustaa Jumalan nimeä Jahve/Jehova.
From 2007 I have tried to find out why the tetragrammaton is in such use in Occultism, when it represents God's name Yahweh/Jehovah in Christianity.
From 2007 I have tried to find out why the tetragrammaton is in such use in Occultism, when it represents God's name Yahweh/Jehovah in Christianity.
Kuluneiden vuosien aikana olen törmännyt monenlaisiin esityksiin, joista yksi ja ensimmäiseksi kohtaamani todistelu löytyy myös raamatun marginaalissa jakeen 2. Moos. 3: 14 kohdalla. Sen mukaan Jahve/Jehova/ יהוה olisi samaa kantaa kuin sana Ehjee, jonka Jumala itse lausui esittäytyessään Moosekselle palavasta pensaasta. Valitettavasti tähän väitteeseen en usko lainkaan... en ainakaan vielä. Nimi Ehjee juontaa alkunsa mitä ilmeisemmin heprean olla-/elää-vebistä. Mutta mistä tulee Jahve/Jehova?
During these years I have seen many explanations, and the first one I found in the Bible margin by the verse Ex. 3: 14. It gives a hint that the word Yahweh/Jehova/ יהוה is derived from the same word as the name Ehyee God uttered when he introduced himself to Moses. Unfortunately I can't believe such a claim... anyway not yet. The name Ehyee is derived most surely from the Hebrew verb to be/to live. But from where comes Yahweh/Jehovan?
During these years I have seen many explanations, and the first one I found in the Bible margin by the verse Ex. 3: 14. It gives a hint that the word Yahweh/Jehova/ יהוה is derived from the same word as the name Ehyee God uttered when he introduced himself to Moses. Unfortunately I can't believe such a claim... anyway not yet. The name Ehyee is derived most surely from the Hebrew verb to be/to live. But from where comes Yahweh/Jehovan?
Tänään ryhdyin selaamaan Heprean sanakirjaa rakkaus-sanan tiimoilta. Ja löysin mm. tällaista:
אהבה (ahavá) = rakastaminen
esim. 1. Moos. 29: 20 - Jaakobin rakkaus
= miehen ja naisen rakkaus
esim. Laul.l. 2: 4 - "yllämme hulmusi
rakkauden viiri
esim. Laul.l. 2: 5 - "olen rakkaudesta sairas"
= rakkauden tunne, intohimo
esim. 2. Sam. 13: 15 - Daavidin poika,
Amnon, raiskaa sisarensa Taamarin
= rakkaus, ystävyys
esim. 1. Sam. 18: 3 - Daavidin ja Joonatan
= Jumalan rakkaus
esim. 5. Moos. 7: 8 - rakkaudesta Israelia
Jumala piti valan, jonka hän oli
vannonut Aabrahamille, Iisakille ja
esim. 1. Joh. 4: 8 - "Jumala on rakkaus"
esim. Jer. 31: 3 - iankaikkinen rakkaus
Today I started to riffle my Hebrew dictionary around the word "love". This is what I found out:
אהבה (ahavá) = love
example: Gen. 29: 20 - Love between
Jacob and Rachel
= love between man and woman
example: Song of Solomon 2: 4 -
"his banner over me was love"
example: Song of Solomon 2: 5 -
"I am sick of love"
= feeling of love, passion
example: 2. Sam. 13: 15 -
David's son, Amnon, raped his siter, Tamar
= love, friendship
example: 1. Sam. 18: 3 -
the friendship of David and Jonathan
= God's love
example: Deut. 7: 8 -
God fulfilled the oath he had sworn to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because
he loved Israel
example: 1. John 4: 8 -
"God is love"
example: Jer. 31: 3 -
"everlasting love"
Today I started to riffle my Hebrew dictionary around the word "love". This is what I found out:
אהבה (ahavá) = love
example: Gen. 29: 20 - Love between
Jacob and Rachel
= love between man and woman
example: Song of Solomon 2: 4 -
"his banner over me was love"
example: Song of Solomon 2: 5 -
"I am sick of love"
= feeling of love, passion
example: 2. Sam. 13: 15 -
David's son, Amnon, raped his siter, Tamar
= love, friendship
example: 1. Sam. 18: 3 -
the friendship of David and Jonathan
= God's love
example: Deut. 7: 8 -
God fulfilled the oath he had sworn to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because
he loved Israel
example: 1. John 4: 8 -
"God is love"
example: Jer. 31: 3 -
"everlasting love"
אהבים (ahávím) = rakkaudenosoitus
esim. Hoos. 8: 9 - "Efraim ostelee
= rakkauden ilot, lemmiskely
esim. Sanal. 7: 18 - "Tule, nauttikaamme
lemmestä aamuun asti,
riemuitkaamme rakkaudesta"
אהבים (ahávím) = sign of one's love
אהבים (ahávím) = sign of one's love
example: Hos. 8: 9 -
"Ephraim hath hired lovers"
= glees of love, love-making
example: Prov. 7: 18 -
"Come, let us take our fill of love
until the morning;
let us solace ourselves with loves"
"Ephraim hath hired lovers"
= glees of love, love-making
example: Prov. 7: 18 -
"Come, let us take our fill of love
until the morning;
let us solace ourselves with loves"
Rakkaus-käsite on pyhä ja jumalallinen, kun kysymyksessä on Jumalan osoittama rakkaus ihmiskuntaa kohtaan. Jumalan suuri rakkaus nähdään siinä, että hän itse alentui pelastamaan syntiinlangenneen ihmissuvun lunastamalla sen Jeesuksessa (2. Kor. 5: 19). Jotta ihmiskunta voisi edes jotenkin hämärästi ymmärtää, mistä jumalallisessa rakkaudessa on kysymys, Jumala antoi ihmiskunnalle kyvyn rakastaa. Miehen ja naisen välinen rakkaus samoin kuin vanhempien ja lasten tai ystävien välinen rakkaus on Edenin siunaus.
The term love is holy and divine, when it's question about God's love that he shows towards the mankind. We can see God's love, when he descended himself to save the fallen people in Jesus (2. Cor. 5: 19). To make it possible for us to understand at least a bit his divine love God gave us an ability to love. Love between man and woman, between parents and children and between friend is a blessing from Eden.
The term love is holy and divine, when it's question about God's love that he shows towards the mankind. We can see God's love, when he descended himself to save the fallen people in Jesus (2. Cor. 5: 19). To make it possible for us to understand at least a bit his divine love God gave us an ability to love. Love between man and woman, between parents and children and between friend is a blessing from Eden.
Mutta Edenissä oli myös viekas Käärme, joka halusi muuttaa Jumalan Edenin lahjan tuhon ja kirouksen välineeksi. Hänen suunnitemansa näyttää toteutuneen mm. Amnonin ja Taamarin välillä samoin kuin Efraimin kohdalla. Rakkauden harhapolut ovat tyypillisiä asioita okkultistisessa Jahve-järjestelmässä.
But there were also a clever Serpent in Eden, and he wanted to change God's gift to a weapon of disaster and curse. His program seems to be fulfilled with Amnon and Tamar and with Ephraim. The aberrations of love are typical to the Yahweh-system in Occultism.
But there were also a clever Serpent in Eden, and he wanted to change God's gift to a weapon of disaster and curse. His program seems to be fulfilled with Amnon and Tamar and with Ephraim. The aberrations of love are typical to the Yahweh-system in Occultism.
Pakanuus (salatieto/okkultismi) on rakentunut peilikuvaksi Jumalan pelastussuunnitelmalle ja sen toteutukselle. Äkkiseltään molemmat vaihtoehdot näyttävät ja kuulostavat erehdyttävän samanlaisilta, mutta niiden hedelmät ovat toisilleen täysin vastakkaiset, samoin niiden lopputulos! Jumalan rakkaus johtaa ikuiseen elämään, mutta Käärmeen rakkaus johtaa ikuiseen kuolemaan.
Paganism (hidden knowledge/Occultism) has been built as a reflection to God's idea to save the mankind. At first both options seem and sound to be similar, but their fruits are just opposite, and so is also with the final result! God's love leads to everlasting life, but Serpent's love leads to ultimate death.
Paganism (hidden knowledge/Occultism) has been built as a reflection to God's idea to save the mankind. At first both options seem and sound to be similar, but their fruits are just opposite, and so is also with the final result! God's love leads to everlasting life, but Serpent's love leads to ultimate death.
Helinä,olet pohtinut ja tutkinut asioita perusteellisesti.Itselläni ei ole riittävästi intoa tällaiseen."Tutkimuksesi" lopputuloksesta olen samaa mieltä Jumalan,Luojani rakkaus johtaa ikuisuuteen.....,jossa ei ole tuskaa ja murhetta!!Täytyy pyrkiä elämään tämä maanpäällinen elämä mahdollisimman hyvin.
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