Jesajan 7: 14:ssa oleva hepreankielinen sana העלמה (almah) on suomennettu sanalla "neitsyt", vaikka sana merkitsee "naimaikäinen nuori nainen". Juuri sellaista "neitosta" Aabrahamin palvelija etsi isäntänsä pojalle, Isakille, kun hän Naahorin kaupungin lähteelle saavuttuaan rukoili: "salli tapahtua niin, että se neitonen, joka minun seisoessani tässä vesilähteellä tulee ammentamaan vettä ja sanoessani hänelle... vastaa..." (1. Moos. 24: 43, 44).
In Isa. 7: 14 there is a word (almah) העלמה, which has been translated into English "virgin", although it means "a nubile young woman". The servant of Abraham was seeking for such a young lady when he came to the well of the city of Nahor and had a prayer: " Behold, I stand by the well of water; and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her... she say to me..." (Gen. 24: 43, 44)
In Isa. 7: 14 there is a word (almah) העלמה, which has been translated into English "virgin", although it means "a nubile young woman". The servant of Abraham was seeking for such a young lady when he came to the well of the city of Nahor and had a prayer: " Behold, I stand by the well of water; and it shall come to pass, that when the virgin cometh forth to draw water, and I say to her... she say to me..." (Gen. 24: 43, 44)
Heprean kielessä on myös sana בתולה (bethulah), joka tarkoittaa yksinomaan "neitsyttä" eikä mitään muuta. Jesaja on käyttänyt kirjassaan tätä sanaa viisi kertaa: Jes. 23: 4, 12; 37: 22; 47: 1; 62: 5.
The Hebrew language has also another word בתולה (bethulah) meaning nothing else but "virgin". Isaiah has used that word five times in his text: Isa. 23: 4, 12; 37: 22; 47: 1; 62: 5.
The Hebrew language has also another word בתולה (bethulah) meaning nothing else but "virgin". Isaiah has used that word five times in his text: Isa. 23: 4, 12; 37: 22; 47: 1; 62: 5.
Koska Jesaja on kuitenkin yllä mainitussa tekstissä (Jes. 7: 14) käyttänyt ikään viittaavaa sanaa eikä seksuaaliseen puhtauteen viittaavaa sanaa (vaikka tunsi myös sen sanan), herää pakostakin kysymys: miksi näin?
But because Isaiah used in Isa. 7: 14 the word expressing age not sexual purity (although he knew even that word), we must ask: what for?
But because Isaiah used in Isa. 7: 14 the word expressing age not sexual purity (although he knew even that word), we must ask: what for?
Yksi vastaus saattaisi olla se, että Jesaja puhunee omasta nuoresta vaimostaan, joka oli synnyttänyt Juudan ja Israelin kansalle "merkiksi" jo yhden pojan, jonka nimi oli Sear-Jaasub (Jes. 7: 3), joka merkitsee "jäännös palaa takaisin". Nuoren parin toinen poika oli mahdollisesti nimeltään Immanuel (Jes. 7: 14), joka merkitsee "Jumala meidän kanssamme". Ja heidän kolmannen pojan nimi oli Maher-Saalal Haas-Bas (Jes. 8: 1), joka merkitsee "pakene/saalis, ryöstäjä lähenee".
One reason for that may be that Isaiah was speaking about his own young wife, who had already given birth to Shearjashub meaning "the remnant shall return" (Isa. 7: 3) as a sign to Judah and Israel. May be the second son of the young couple was called Immanuel (Isa. 7: 14) meaning "God with us". Their third son was called Mahershalalhashbaz (Isa. 8: 1) meaning "escape, a robber is approaching".
Jesaja oli asetettu poikineen/perheineen merkiksi (Jes. 8: 18) Jumalan kansalle tilanteessa, jossa Israelin kuningas Pekah (752 - 732) hyökkäsi Aramin eli Syyrian kuninkaan; Resinin, kanssa Jerusalemia vastaan. Pekah oli Israelin toiseksi viimeinen kuningas ennen Hooseaa (732 - 722), jonka aikana Israel joutui pakkosiirtolaisuuteen Assyriin vuonna 732 eaa.
Isaiah had got a mission to be a sign with his sons/family (Isa. 8: 18) for God's people in time when Pekah (752 - 732), the king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem with Rezin, the king of Syria. Pekah was the king of Israel before Hoshea (732 - 722), who was the last king when Israel went to exile to Assyr in 723 B.C.
One reason for that may be that Isaiah was speaking about his own young wife, who had already given birth to Shearjashub meaning "the remnant shall return" (Isa. 7: 3) as a sign to Judah and Israel. May be the second son of the young couple was called Immanuel (Isa. 7: 14) meaning "God with us". Their third son was called Mahershalalhashbaz (Isa. 8: 1) meaning "escape, a robber is approaching".
Jesaja oli asetettu poikineen/perheineen merkiksi (Jes. 8: 18) Jumalan kansalle tilanteessa, jossa Israelin kuningas Pekah (752 - 732) hyökkäsi Aramin eli Syyrian kuninkaan; Resinin, kanssa Jerusalemia vastaan. Pekah oli Israelin toiseksi viimeinen kuningas ennen Hooseaa (732 - 722), jonka aikana Israel joutui pakkosiirtolaisuuteen Assyriin vuonna 732 eaa.
Isaiah had got a mission to be a sign with his sons/family (Isa. 8: 18) for God's people in time when Pekah (752 - 732), the king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem with Rezin, the king of Syria. Pekah was the king of Israel before Hoshea (732 - 722), who was the last king when Israel went to exile to Assyr in 723 B.C.
Kyseisellä tekstillähän (Jes. 7: 14) on täytynyt olla jokin konkreettinen toteutuminen myös Jesajan omana aikana. Ei voida ajatella, että Jesaja olisi puhunut tuossa Immanuel-tekstistä vain siitä naisesta, joka noin 700 vuotta myöhemmin synnytti Beetlehemin tallissa poikalapsen. Jos teksti on toteutunut Jesajan aikana hänen omassa perheessään, hänen vaimonsa ei ollut enää neitsyt synnyttäessään Immanuel-nimisen pojan, koska tämä oli perheen toinen lapsi.
The text (Isa. 7: 14) must have some concrete fulfillment even in the time of Isaiah himself. It's impossible to think that in the text in question Isaiah was speaking only about the young women who'll give birth to a boy-child in Bethlehem 700 years later. If the text in question had a fulfillment in Isaiah's own family, his wife was not a virgin any more when she gave birth to their second son called Immanuel.
The text (Isa. 7: 14) must have some concrete fulfillment even in the time of Isaiah himself. It's impossible to think that in the text in question Isaiah was speaking only about the young women who'll give birth to a boy-child in Bethlehem 700 years later. If the text in question had a fulfillment in Isaiah's own family, his wife was not a virgin any more when she gave birth to their second son called Immanuel.
Mutta sitten tulee toinen kysymys: Miksi kautta historian Mariaan, Jeesuksen äitiin, on liitetty määrite "neitsyt"?
But about another question: Why through the history Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been called "virgin"?
But about another question: Why through the history Mary, the mother of Jesus, has been called "virgin"?
Erityisesti katoliselle kirkolle Marian neitsyys tuntuu olevan lähes pakkomielle! Onko Marian seksuaalisella kypsyydellä jotakin merkitystä ihmiskunnan pelastuksen kannalta, kun pelastuksemme riippuu yksinomaan Jeesuksesta? Halutaanko Marian neitsyyden korostamisella pitää kiinni jostakin muustakin?
Mary's virginity is like a fixation especially for the Catholics! Has Mary's sexual maturity some value for us regarding our salvation, which lays totally upon Jesus? Is there something else to keep on by the emphasis of Mary's virginity?
Mary's virginity is like a fixation especially for the Catholics! Has Mary's sexual maturity some value for us regarding our salvation, which lays totally upon Jesus? Is there something else to keep on by the emphasis of Mary's virginity?
Neitsyt-Marian palvonta on pakanuutta, joka sai alkunsa syntiinlankeemuksesta. Neitsyeen nimet tosin ovat vaihdelleet ajasta ja kulttuurista riippuen. Jeesuksen synnyttänyt Maria nukkuu haidassaan tietämättä yhtään mitään (Saarn. 9: 5, 6) siitä Maria-kultista, joka hänen nimissään tunnetaan nykyään ympäri maailman.
To worship the virgin Mary is full paganism, which began from the Fall. The names of the virgin have varied according to times and cultures. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, is laying in her tomb without knowing anything (Ecc. 9: 5, 6) of the modern cult around her name.
Kuka sitten on se Maria, joka on jopa ilmestynyt eri puolilla maailmaa mm. edesmenneelle paaville? Se on demoni, joka tottelee monia eri nimiä; mm. Lilith, Lily/Lilies, Koré, Malkah, Betulah, Persephone ja Maria. Hän on Tytär Babylon, ja hän on Kaikkeuden Isän tytär. Häntä kutsutaan myös Kuninkaan Tyttäreksi, joka istuu Ymmärryksen Valtaistuimella Lasimerellä. Kysymyksessä on aina NEITSYT, joka kuitenkin on jo raskaana. Tämä on yksi okkultismin mysteereistä!
But who is that Mary, who has appeared in different parts of the world among other things to the deceased pope? It's a demon fallowing many names: Lilith, Lily/Lilies, Koré, Malkah, Betulah, Persephone and Mary. She is the Daughter of Babalon and she was born to the Father of All. She is called also the Daughter of the King, who is sitting upon the Throne of Understanding on the Chrystal Sea. Always the same VIRGIN in question, who is already pregnant. This is one of the occult mysteries!
To worship the virgin Mary is full paganism, which began from the Fall. The names of the virgin have varied according to times and cultures. Mary, who gave birth to Jesus, is laying in her tomb without knowing anything (Ecc. 9: 5, 6) of the modern cult around her name.
Kuka sitten on se Maria, joka on jopa ilmestynyt eri puolilla maailmaa mm. edesmenneelle paaville? Se on demoni, joka tottelee monia eri nimiä; mm. Lilith, Lily/Lilies, Koré, Malkah, Betulah, Persephone ja Maria. Hän on Tytär Babylon, ja hän on Kaikkeuden Isän tytär. Häntä kutsutaan myös Kuninkaan Tyttäreksi, joka istuu Ymmärryksen Valtaistuimella Lasimerellä. Kysymyksessä on aina NEITSYT, joka kuitenkin on jo raskaana. Tämä on yksi okkultismin mysteereistä!
But who is that Mary, who has appeared in different parts of the world among other things to the deceased pope? It's a demon fallowing many names: Lilith, Lily/Lilies, Koré, Malkah, Betulah, Persephone and Mary. She is the Daughter of Babalon and she was born to the Father of All. She is called also the Daughter of the King, who is sitting upon the Throne of Understanding on the Chrystal Sea. Always the same VIRGIN in question, who is already pregnant. This is one of the occult mysteries!
Okkultismissa Lilith edustaa Adamin ensimmäistä vaimoa, joka synnytti itse Saatanan. Kun Lilith ja Maria samaistetaan sanalla "neitsyt", saadaan Saatanan sukujuuret näyttämään hyvin jumalallisilta. Muistakaamme, että Saatanan viimeinen suuri missio on esiintyä Kristuksena (2. Tess. 2: 4)! Jotta hän olisi kyllin uskottava Kristuksena, hänen alkuperänsä pitää kuulostaa jumalalliselta ja äitinsä nimi pitää olla "Maria"!
In Occultism Lilith is the first wife of Adam, who gave birth to Satan himself. When the roots of Lilith and Mary are put together by the word "virgin", Satan's roots seem to be very divine. Let's remember that Satan's last mission is to play Christ (2. Thess. 2: 4)! For the purpose to be believable enough when acting Christ, his roots must sound divine and his mother must have the name "Mary"!
In Occultism Lilith is the first wife of Adam, who gave birth to Satan himself. When the roots of Lilith and Mary are put together by the word "virgin", Satan's roots seem to be very divine. Let's remember that Satan's last mission is to play Christ (2. Thess. 2: 4)! For the purpose to be believable enough when acting Christ, his roots must sound divine and his mother must have the name "Mary"!

Kauko Allénin neljäs kabbalamaalaus kuvaa Lilith'iä.
Kauko Allén's fourth Kabballah paiting is descriping Lilith.
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